Tim Frankovich

Writer's Blog & Home of Warpsteel Press

Wind & Brain Storms

At any given time, I have 6-10 story ideas bouncing around in my head. Usually, when a new one pops up, I make a note on my phone, including all the details I’ve just thought of, and maybe even some ideas about the opening scene, etc. Then I put that note in a folder and try to ignore it until it’s time to start thinking about a new book.

These ideas come from everywhere. Sometimes, they just pop into my head. Sometimes, it’s a small piece of a half-remembered dream. Sometimes, it’s a few words I see online somewhere. Or an image. Or even a sign on the road. Anything can spark ideas.

Right now, the brainstorms are even more… intense. Not because of the number of ideas, but because three of them won’t stop competing for imagination usage. 

My primary focus right now is (or at least should be) writing the final Dragontek Lore book, Chroma. After the hurricane, I’m starting (hopefully) to get back into the rhythm of writing every day. I know where Beryl (the character, not the hurricane) needs to go; I just need to get it down.

At the same time, ideas are swirling about the third and final book of The Certainty of Blood. I may have to stop at some point here and write the opening scene, just because it won’t go away from my brain. 

Finally, a new idea popped up a few days ago, sparked by a comment on Facebook. Someone said they’d love to see a story like this, and now I can’t stop thinking about it. As I said above, I’ve written a note to myself, but.. it’s so much fun, I want to keep thinking about it. But I can’t. Not yet. Next year.

This is the brain of a writer. Combined with walking into a grocery store, meeting a guy I’ve known at church for decades, and being totally unable to remember his name.

Comicpalooza 2024 Rocked!

Whew! What a weekend! Comicpalooza 2024 was the best ever. Here are a few highlights!

Got a corner booth again. I don’t know how much of a difference it makes, but I enjoy having the space.

Author group photo before the doors open. These are all local authors, except for one honorary local guy from Washington state.

All of the rest of us on the Fantasy Worlds panel listening to Jim Butcher explain how sleep deprivation resulted in a novel series.

Me, Aparna Verma, Gabriela Romero Lacruz, Jim Butcher, and Rose Garcia. (What am I doing here with these big names??)

Empty boxes! I sold out of The Certainty of Blood and sold more books than any con ever. Can’t wait until next year!

Wolf Chosen is now available!

Today is the day!

Wolf Chosen, my 12th novel and the sequel to The Certainty of Blood, is now available (in ebook, paperback, or hardback)! Today is a day of celebration. Tomorrow… I have to get cracking on the next book!

Find it on Amazon here.

Podcast Interview!

I recently recorded an interview with Tricia Copeland of Finding the Magic book Podcast.

You can watch on YouTube here, or listen on Spotify here.

(Wolf Chosen is coming!)

Pre-order Wolf Chosen today!

Pre-orders for Wolf Chosen are now available! Click here.

Or use this handy QR code:

Wolf Chosen – Cover Reveal!

At last, here is the cover and back cover blurb for Wolf Chosen, the sequel to The Certainty of Blood. As with that title, this cover was created by the talented team at Miblart. Pre-orders are coming soon!!

“I’ve been a slave since I was a boy. Now I’m free… or I thought I was.”

Haunted by restored memories, Aldan—the arena fighter known as Clanless—wants only to recover from his trauma and spend his new freedom with his beloved Kekeen. Unfortunately, his desires mean nothing to those seeking power in the chaos following the Hawk King’s death.

Dragged away by a new master, Aldan and his fellow arena fighters search for an escape in the midst of a confusing journey through the wilds of High Winter. Left behind, Kekeen navigates the rebellion’s new politics, baffled by the altered behavior of their triumphant leader.

Danger stalks both Aldan and Kekeen from blood-wraiths, cultists, beastmen, scheming Lords, and arena owners. But looming over all of it is the shadowy figure of Suirel, the god of chaos. Suirel longs to walk the surface of the world himself, unleashing his dark powers. But to do so, he needs a host, someone searching for power for himself. And the perfect candidate is about to walk into his grasp.

Aldan fights to regain his too-brief freedom, but will he be willing to fight for something far greater?

Wolf Chosen releases on May 6!

Status Update: Chroma Begins!

Wolf Chosen is on its way to the beta readers! I’ve seen the first sketch of the cover. Everything is on track for the May release! Stay tuned for pre-orders sometime soon.

Meanwhile, I’m starting the writing of Chroma, the final book of the Dragontek Lore series. The widget on the right will be updated as progress warrants. I’ve got a lot of threads to wrap up here. Should be fun!

Coming in May 2024…

It’s a title reveal! For so long, I’ve been writing out “the sequel to The Certainty of Blood,” and I’m tired of all those words. Let’s make it simpler. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you… the TITLE of the sequel to The Certainty of Blood: Wolf Chosen!

I’ve written a long explanation of how I came to this title decision, but that was sent out to my newsletter subscribers. You should totally join up with them so you don’t miss out on quality content like this. 🙂

At any rate, stay tuned for more details!

Getting Closer

The editing/revision/proofing process is well underway! Stay tuned!

First Draft: Complete

If you’ve been following along on the right there… you can see the facts. The first draft of my latest novel is now complete!

I’m talking about the sequel to The Certainty of Blood (Title still pending.)

If you need me, I’ll be taking a nap on the couch over there.

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