At any given time, I have 6-10 story ideas bouncing around in my head. Usually, when a new one pops up, I make a note on my phone, including all the details I’ve just thought of, and maybe even some ideas about the opening scene, etc. Then I put that note in a folder and try to ignore it until it’s time to start thinking about a new book.
These ideas come from everywhere. Sometimes, they just pop into my head. Sometimes, it’s a small piece of a half-remembered dream. Sometimes, it’s a few words I see online somewhere. Or an image. Or even a sign on the road. Anything can spark ideas.
Right now, the brainstorms are even more… intense. Not because of the number of ideas, but because three of them won’t stop competing for imagination usage.

My primary focus right now is (or at least should be) writing the final Dragontek Lore book, Chroma. After the hurricane, I’m starting (hopefully) to get back into the rhythm of writing every day. I know where Beryl (the character, not the hurricane) needs to go; I just need to get it down.
At the same time, ideas are swirling about the third and final book of The Certainty of Blood. I may have to stop at some point here and write the opening scene, just because it won’t go away from my brain.
Finally, a new idea popped up a few days ago, sparked by a comment on Facebook. Someone said they’d love to see a story like this, and now I can’t stop thinking about it. As I said above, I’ve written a note to myself, but.. it’s so much fun, I want to keep thinking about it. But I can’t. Not yet. Next year.
This is the brain of a writer. Combined with walking into a grocery store, meeting a guy I’ve known at church for decades, and being totally unable to remember his name.