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Category: Con

Comicpalooza 2024 Rocked!

Whew! What a weekend! Comicpalooza 2024 was the best ever. Here are a few highlights!

Got a corner booth again. I don’t know how much of a difference it makes, but I enjoy having the space.

Author group photo before the doors open. These are all local authors, except for one honorary local guy from Washington state.

All of the rest of us on the Fantasy Worlds panel listening to Jim Butcher explain how sleep deprivation resulted in a novel series.

Me, Aparna Verma, Gabriela Romero Lacruz, Jim Butcher, and Rose Garcia. (What am I doing here with these big names??)

Empty boxes! I sold out of The Certainty of Blood and sold more books than any con ever. Can’t wait until next year!

Comicpalooza Aftermath

For the second year at Comicpalooza, I had a great time. Sales were lower than last year, but still good.

We had a fantastic experience overall. It’s always fun to talk fantasy and writing with other people, and even more fun to talk with them about my books! We gave away around a hundred bookmarks, I believe, with a link to my Amazon page. I’ve already seen a few sales pop up there this morning.

I forgot to have someone take photos of me at the booth, so here’s one of the initial setup. That’s my friend John working on his pop top chain mail (which attracted a lot of attention). Tons of gratitude for his assistance!

Comicpalooza this weekend!

Comicpalooza starts Friday in Houston, Texas! I’ll be at booth #2339 all three days, selling autographed books and giving out freebies. Come see me!

Comicpalooza Aftermath

I had a fantastic time at Comicpalooza 2022 in Houston this past weekend.

If you’re visiting this website or my Amazon author page as a result of stopping by my booth… Welcome!! It was wonderful to meet you and talk about books (and other pop culture stuff).

Over the two days, I sold dozens of books, gave away many more bookmarks and coins, and almost a hundred people signed up for the newsletter (you should too!).

The excitement never faded, every moment we were there, and long after I made it home. What an experience! I can’t wait to see how future cons shape up!

Comicpalooza this weekend!

This weekend, July 16-17, I’ll have a booth at Comicpalooza in Houston. If you’re in the area, come on by and say hi! I’ll be selling autographed books and 3d printed lithophanes of the book covers.

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