Just a quick update on my NaNoWriMo progress:
So far in November, I’ve written 27,569 words in 19 days. My average is now 1451 words per day. That’s dropped a bit, but is not surprising considering a lot of stuff that happened in the past two weeks.
The novel’s current word count is 88,323. It’s becoming more and more clear that the final length will definitely exceed 100,000. It’s taking these characters longer than I anticipated to get into position for the climax of the story.
Unless I see a huge surge in word count this coming week, I don’t think I’ll get a full 50K in. But that’s okay. I’m working hard every day and making significant progress. The novel will be completed, if not this month, then before Christmas, at least.
One of the biggest problems facing me now is patience. I’m eager to get this manuscript into some other hands to get their reactions. But I can’t do that any time soon. I’m well aware that the novel in its current form needs some editing/revising. I know of a few places that need significant revisions.
It’s coming, though. And if I pull off writing the climax as I anticipate it to be, I’ll be very happy. Almost there now…