This afternoon, I completed the first draft of Until All the Gods Return, the third book in the Heart of Fire series, and my fourth novel. Curiously, this doesn’t feel like such a huge accomplishment this time. Perhaps it’s because I’m already thinking about what I’ll be working on tomorrow when I start the fifth novel. 

I set a goal for daily writing this year. That means even though I just finished this huge book, I have to immediately move on to the next one to keep up the pace. Fortunately, I’m excited about the next book (Incarnadine, book 2 in the Dragontek Lore series).

(I also need to get that short story written. Why do those take me longer?)

At the same time, after taking a break from it for a few days, I’ll be moving on to the revisions of this latest book. I know some parts need strengthening, more description, stronger character moments, etc. After that, I’ll move on to general editing for stronger prose, get some feedback from early readers, then eventually move to proofreading. This process could take anywhere from a month to three months. And then there’s getting a new cover designed… So it may be a little while longer before you’re able to read it.

In the meantime, if you haven’t already, read the first two books in the Heart of Fire series. Try out Viridia. Leave ratings/reviews at Amazon and Goodreads. These are the best ways to support independent writers.